Published by DK Children
A magical book about dogs and puppies for young readers to treasure.
A perfect book for any child interested in dogs and puppies, this is an all-around introduction to the world of dog breeds and puppy behavior. Children will learn all about their favorite dog breeds, such as the golden retriever and Chihuahua, and how similar dogs are to their wild wolf cousins. Colorful images, fun facts, and bite-size chunks of information make this a must for kids with a passion for dogs.
This new series of books for young readers looks at the topics six- to nine-year-olds love to love. From horses and ponies to dogs and puppies to cats and kittens, the subject matter covered in DK's new series will delight young obsessives and collectors everywhere. Text is accessible and engaging, and bold photography gives readers exactly what they want: crisp, clear images of their favorite animals and objects that they can pore over again and again. Each book is bursting with facts and figures kids will want to memorize and recite for friends and family, making this new series truly one to treasure.
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